Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Update as of 1/29/14

Things have been crazy here for the last few weeks, and I have neglected to keep everyone informed of what is going on.  So I figured I'd write a bit about what has been happening.

On 1/9/14 we held our first Gathering at Homewood Suites near the Yuma Palms Mall.  We were very encouraged by the number (53) and the diversity of the crowd.  Ekklesia Yuma is purposely trying to build a church that is multi-ethnic bringing people of all kinds together to worship and serve together.  Our 2nd and 3rd services have been exciting as we are beginning to build a core of people that are committing to the vision of Ekklesia.  We will continue to meet on Thursday nights at Homewood Suites at 6:30pm for hanging out and then begin our worship service at 7pm.  We would love to see you there sometime.

As well as doing our weekly Gathering, we have been searching for an area where God is calling us to minister to physical and spiritual needs on a long term basis.  Several of the leaders have driven around trying to find the place that God has for us.  As of yesterday we feel like we may have found the perfect spot that God has designed for us.  We will continue to pray and seek God's face on this project.

Augie and Lori have also been working through the process of being assessed by the North American Mission Board as nationally and state sponsored church planters.  This process has been a long with many tests, questionnaires, referrals, outside evaluations and an eventual several day interview process.  Pray for us as we continue in this process.

We are so excited about what God is doing at Ekklesia and pray that you will keep us in your prayers and get involved with us if possible.  God bless you.  --Augie